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Introducing The Divi Assistant Plugin

divi assistant plugin by pee aye creative 1.0 2 | WESPE CLUB

Meet The Divi Assistant

I am thrilled to announce the release of Divi Assistant, our new flagship product from Pee-Aye Creative! This first version comes with 78 main features which you can explore on the product page, in my video overview, or in our live instant admin demo (available from the product page).

What Is It: A huge collection of incredibly handy features and tools to make your life easier when working on your Divi website – startup actions, general utilities, interface hacks, custom settings, global styles, learning resources, maintenance tools, code editors, accessibility improvements, alt text fixes, media hacks, local fonts, system report sharing, import/export tools, and so much more!

And this is only the beginning. We have so many plans for this plugin, especially after Divi 5.0, and it’s going to be epic! I am also very interested in hearing literally any feature request related to Divi. With your support, Divi Assistant is on a mission to make your life so much easier while creating and maintaining your Divi websites!

Be sure to watch the video to see all the features, and I hope you enjoy!

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